Next: Conclusion
Up: The detailed description of
Previous: Electronic Spectra Processing
- Rect The rectification of the spectrum by
dividing of continuum fit spline. The fit is obtained as rubber
band spline just by interactive setting of its control points.
See Fig. 4. The result is a *.RUI file
(Fig. 5).
- Filt The Fast Fourier filtering of the
rectified spectrum. The power spectrum is shown with the
possibility of setting the filter width by moving the
edge-cutting line (see Fig. 6). The correction for
microphotometer slit and emulsion profile is asked as well.
The result is *.RFI file.
- Vel This module is a complete astrophysical
toolbox for the determination of radial velocities, equivalent
widths and higher order moments (e.g. skewness) of investigated
spectral lines.
- Radial vel Radial velocity measurement.
- Measure lines
Radial velocity of interesting stellar
lines described in *.STL list is measured interactively in
oscilloscopic or automatic mode. The x-position and measured
wavelength are written in *.RV file. Then the heliocentric
correction in the time of observation is inquired. This
correction is used for the estimate of the line radial velocities,
that are written into measurement protocol (either on
printer or *.RVR file).
- Recal RV's Just the new heliocentric correction is
added to the already existing *.RV file and the *.RVR
file is produced.
- eq. Widths The equivalent widths of the stellar
lines in the *.STL list are estimated. The spectrum has to be
already rectified (with the continuum spline set). The enlarged
line profile is shown and the user is asked to mark the central
intensity by moving the short tic along the profile. Then the
FWHM line is drawn and the equivalent width calculated using the
numerical integration. The results are written into *.EQW file
(or to printer).
- Moments The higher order moments of lines are
calculated and written to *.MOM file. The moments are
is the line profile,
wavelength of the line center and
the line intensity at
given wavelength. The equivalent width is the zero order moment.
- Plot One or several spectra are prepared for
the graphical output. A several questions are being asked about
the plot dimensions, the continuum level (for each spectrum), the
data file names, the plotted range, etc. These parameters are
written into *.PLT file that may be used second time for
the same plot (but with another data files).
- On line plot The plot is made at the on-line
connected HPGL compatible plotter. Up to eight color pens are
- Prep for laser printer The HPGL file
*.PGL is produced, that may be sent to the plotter or converted
to other graphic formats (e.g. PostScript) by means of
HP2XX convertor.
- Synt This module is intended especially for the
comparison of observed spectra with the synthetic ones, but
other spectra may be processed as well. The processing includes
the spectra comparison, addition and subtraction (producing
differential spectrum).
- RotateThe synthetic spectrum is described by a simple
ASCII table of
wavelength and corresponding flux in *.SYN file and the
same for continuum flux in *.CNT file. The spectrum must be
rotationally broadened with given rotation velocity before the
next processing. The result is the (binary) *.RRI file.
- Compare Two selected *.R?I files are
shown on screen with the changeable radial velocity and weakening
factor. On request
the differential spectrum may be shown.
- Subtract The same as above, but the
differential spectrum is written into *.RDI file.
- Add sp. The addition of two preselected
spectra. The result is written into *.RAI file.
- File The toolbox of file conversion utilities.
- change Dir Changes the working directory where
all files are saved (e.g. to trial TEST directory).
- Fits->spefo The conversion from 1D FITS file
to SPEFO format.
- Spefo->fits The export of SPEFO data to FITS
- Spefo->ascii The conversion from binary
SPEFO format file to human-readable ASCII file that may be ASCII edited
(e.g. to exterminate the cosmic spikes, detector errors).
- Ascii->spefo The reverse transformation
- View/edit The tool for viewing or editing of any
rectified SPEFO file on screen display. Either individual points may be
deleted, or the selected part of the spectrum may be replaced
either by linear or spline fit. The resulting file has the
*.RCI extension.
Next: Conclusion
Up: The detailed description of
Previous: Electronic Spectra Processing