Carolinum - Prague
Sessions | Schedule | Plenum Blue (modrá) Room (250 People) |
Splinter 1 Green (zelená) Room (40 People) | splinter 2 Small (malá) Room 2 (20 People) |
Monday 27.3.2023 | 1st day afternoon (14:00-18:30) |
PMC plenary [chair: H. Rauer / A. Erikson] 14:00 - Introduction / welcome / outline schedule [H.Rauer] 14:05 - Mission & Payload [J. Lorenzo Alvarez] 14:45 - GS overview
16:05 - PPT report [J. Cabrera, S. Niemi] 16:15 - PLATO Consortium Science Team [H. Rauer] | ||
16:30 - 17:00 | Coffee Break | |||
17:00 - Field selection & PIC 2.0 [G. Piotto] | ||||
19:00 | Reception | |||
Tuesday 28.3.2023 | 2nd day morning (9-12) |
Stellar Analysis System (SAS) [chair: T. Appourchaux] 9:00 - Introduction 9:05 - SAS status [H. Ballans] 9:25 - PSM specifications status [K. Belkacem/WP12] 9:40 - Datasets and test cases [R. Ouazzani/WP12] 9:55 - The SAS pipeline with Airflow: motivations, prototype and live demo [L. Guillerot/H. Ballans] 10:15 - MSAP sessions: - MSAP1 [S. Mathur (on-line)] | ||
10:30 - 11:00 | Coffee Break | |||
11:00 - MSAP sessions: - MSAP3 [T. Appourchaux] - MSAP4 [R. Garcia (on-line)] - MSAP2 [T. Morel] - MSAP5 [F. Pereira] » Towards the GSDR: schedule and actions [H. Ballans] |
(backup - TBC) | |||
Tuesday 28.3.2023 | 2nd day afternoon (14-15:30) |
Verification & Validation session 1 [chair: A. Birch] 14:00 - Introduction to V&V [D. Brown] 14:45 - SAS V&V [H. Ballans & WP12 (TBC)] | ||
15:30 - 16:00 | Coffee Break | |||
(16-18) | Verification & Validation session 2 [chair: P. Strøm] 16:00 - EAS V&V [G. Rixon & WP11] 16:45 - L1/CPDS V&V [C. Damiani & PSM Office] 17:30 - PFU V&V (TBD) 17:45 - PDC-DB V&V [M. Schäfer] |
WP12-WP13 splinter [chair: M-J. Goupil] 16:00 - The 4MOST-PLATO agreement [M. Bergemann] 16:20 - The scvPIC documents: status and next steps [D. Brown] 16:30 - Benchmark stars in the scvPIC [P. Maxted] 17:00 - gamma Dor stars in the scvPIC [A. Tkachenko] 17:20 - Red giants in the scvPIC [B. Mosser & A. Miglio] 17:40 - Constant stars in the scvPIC [O. Kochukhov (remote)] | (backup - TBC) | |
19:30 | Public lecture in the Planetarium [H. Rauer & D. Pollacco] | |||
Wednesday 29.3.2023 | 3rd day morning (9-12) |
GOP [chair: S. Udry] 09:00 - Introduction [S. Udry] 09:10 - Operations organisation [I. Ribas]
| DPA-WG [chair: R. Samadi]
(backup - TBC) |
10:30 - 10:45 | Coffee Break | Coffee Break | ||
10:45 - Contributions to the Follow-Up
Wednesday 29.3.2023 | 3rd day afternoon (14-18) |
WP11-WP12 interfaces [chair: D. Brown/P. Strøm]
DPA-WG / CAM AIT / Performance Team [chair: B. Vandenbussche] 14:00 Best Focus
| (backup - TBC) |
15:30 - 16:00 | Coffee Break | |||
19:30 | Conference dinner | |||
Thursday 30.3.2023 | 4th day morning (9-12) |
EAS [chair: N. Walton]
| (backup - TBC) | |
10:30 - 11:00 | Coffee Break | |||
Thursday 30.3.2023 | 4th day afternoon (14-16) |
Verification & Validation session 3 [chair: D. Brown] 14:00 - DAST V&V [R. Heller] 14:30 - Simulations as a tool for validation [J. Cabrera] 14:45 - Cyclic validation of data during operations 15:45 - Schedule and organization for V&V documentation for GSDR [A. Birch] | (backup - TBC) | |
16:00 - 16:30 | Coffee Break | |||
16:30-18:00 | PLATO-CHEOPS-ARIEL synergies [chair: V. Van Eylen] 16:30 - Introduction, purpose of exercise, very short reminder of PLATO main capabilities [V. Van Eylen] 16:50 - CHEOPS: short mission overview mission, status, synergies with PLATO [H. Osborn] 17:15 - ARIEL: short mission overview mission, status, synergies with PLATO [B. Edwards] 17:40 - Discussion on synergies [moderated by V. Van Eylen, J. Cabrera, I. Pagano] |
Friday 31.3.2023 | 5th day 09:30 | Astronomy guided tour in Prague |
On Monday 27 March an opening reception will be held at Karolinum at 20:00 after conference day finishes.
The conference dinner is planned for Wednesday 29 March starting at 20:00 in the restaurant Červený jelen -
The restaurant is located close to the conference venue. The dinner will be organised in form of a fancy buffet with drinks included. The dinner
fee is 1200 CZK (approx 50 EUR).
Prague offers many places which are connected to astronomy. We offer a guided tour thanks to colleagues from Planetarium Prague which will take place on Friday (morning) for those who would be interested. The tour will take about 2 hours of slow walk and will guide you through various places in Prague city center, including the Prague`s most famous astronomic clock. The tour will be guided by a certified city guide. If you would be interested to participate, please let us know during registration or once you register yourself at Karolinum the first day.
We plan to organize a public lecture in the Planetarium www.planetum.cz on Tuesday 28 March at 19:30. The title and a short abstract will be confirmed. The talk is mainly intended for public but the participants are welcome to attend. Please note, the planetarium is at a different location than the conference venue.
A student session will be organised to transmit experience from senior researchers to early career researchers. More detailed program, time and place of the event will be announced later. Would you wish to participate, please let us know during registration.