"Summer Fest" in Shamakhy, Azerbaijan, 19 - 23 August 2024
Tõnis Eenmäe from TO visits visits ShAO (15 July - 14 August 2024)
Michalis Kourniotis from ASU visits UNLP (6 July - 26 July 2024)
Lorena Mercanti from UNLP visits ASU (4 July - 31 August 2024)
Suryani Guha from ASU visits UNLP (1 July - 31 August 2024)
Silvina Cardenas from UNLP visits UNIVLEEDS (1 July - 31 Augst 2024)
Melina Fernandez from UNLP visits UNIVLEEDS (28 June - 31 Augst 2024)
Michaela Kraus from ASU visits ON (22 June - 21 August 2024)
Michalis Kourniotis from ASU visits ON (6 June - 5 July 2024)
Laurits Leedjärv from TO visits ON (1 June - 1 July 2024)
Anni Kasikov from TO visits ON (1 June - 30 June 2024)
Popular science article about POEMS has been published in The Innovation Platform, Issue 18, p.250-252
Alex Lobel from ROB visits UV (2 May - 2 June 2024)
POEMS results have been published on the website of the Innovation News Network
Laurits Leedjärv from TO visits UNLP (30 April - 31 May 2024)
Anna Aret from TO visits UNLP (29 April - 22 June 2024)
Vitalii Checha from TO visits UNLP (29 April - 22 June 2024) including a short visit to UV (11 May - 17 May)
Daniela Iglesias Vallejo from UNIVLEEDS visits UV (27 April - 27 May 2024)
Melina Carla Fernandez from UNLP and Aynur Abdulkarimova from SHAO participated at the event "Meeting of students of astronomy and astrophysics from Czech, Slovak, and Polish universities" that took place on April 19th, 2024 in Hvězdárna a planetárium Hradec Králové.
Kuljeet Singh Saddal from ASU visits UV (15 April - 14 June 2024)
Olga Maryeva from ASU visits UNLP (14 April - 1 June 2024)
Michaela Kraus from ASU visits UNLP (4 April - 21 June 2024)
Julieta Sánchez from ASU visits UV (1 April - 23 June 2024)
Tõnis Eenmäe from TO visits visits UNLP (20 March - 15 May 2024)
Aytaj Iskanderova from ShAO visits TO (17 March - 16 April 2024)
Zumrud Vidadi from ShAO visits TO (17 March - 16 April 2024)
Kuljeet Singh Saddal from ASU visits UMAYOR (15 March - 14 April 2024)
Suryani Guha from ASU visits UV (15 March - 14 June 2024)
Melina Fernandez from UNLP visits ASU (12 March - 8 June 2024)
Julieta Sánchez from ASU visits UNLP (1 March - 31 March 2024)
Michalis Kourniotis from ASU visits UNLP (25 February - 24 April 2024)
Marcelo Borges Fernandes from ON visits ASU (7 February - 8 March)
Aynur Abdulkarimova from ShAO visits ASU (2 February - 29 April 2024)
Anna Aret from TO visits ShAO (29 January - 29 February 2024)
Roberto Venero from UNLP visits ASU (20 January - 19 March 2024)
María Laura Arias from UNLP visits ASU (20 January - 19 March 2024)
Rodrigo Meneses Pacheco from UV visits ASU (5 January - 27 February 2024)
POEMS PhD students participated at the PhD-student seminar held online
Elisson Saldanha da Gama de Almeida from UV and Aldana Aberici Adam from UNLP participated at the LARIM 2023: XVII Latin American Regional IAU Meeting, 27 November - 1 December 2023, Montevideo, Uruguay
Daniela Turis from UV visits ASU (13 November - 30 November 2023)
Natalia Machuca from UV visits ROB (28 October - 30 November 2023)
Péter Németh from ASU visits UV Chile (26 October 2023 - 25 January 2024)
Yanina Cochetti from UNLP presented an invited talk at the monthly IAU Working Group on Active B Stars seminar on 18 October 2023
Heleri Ramler from UTARTU visits UNLP (4 October - 8 December 2023)
Anni Kasikov from UTARTU visits UNLP (4 October - 8 December 2023)
Tõnis Eenmäe from UTARTU visits UNLP (4 October - 8 December 2023)
Anna Aret from UTARTU visits UNLP (4 October - 8 December 2023)
Julieta Sanchez Arias from ASU presented an invited talk at the monthly IAU Working Group on Active B Stars seminar on 20 September 2023
Michel Curé from UV visits ROB (16 September - 28 September 2023)
Daniela Turis from UV visits ROB (16 September - 12 November 2023)
Gunther Avila from UV visits ASU (3 September - 8 December 2023)
Natalia Machuca from UV visits ASU (2 September - 27 October 2023)
Aldana Alberici from UNLP visits ASU (1 September - 3 November 2023)
Matías Ruíz Díaz from UNLP visits ASU (1 September - 3 November 2023)
Janmammad Rustamov from ShAO visits ASU (1 September - 27 November 2023)
Sabina Mammadova from ShAO visits ASU (1 September - 24 November 2023)
Daniela Turis from UV visits ASU (1 September - 15 September 2023)
Gonzalo Aravena from UV visits ASU (31 August - 2 November 2023)
Athos Ribeiro da Silva from ON visits ASU (30 August - 30 September 2023)
Aytaj Iskandarova from ShAO visits UTARTU (26 August - 26 October 2023)
Lydia Cidale from UNLP visits ASU (18 August - 27 September 2023)
Alejandra Christen from UV visits ASU (15 August - 15 September 2023)
Michel Curé from UV visits ASU (15 August - 15 September 2023)
Gunther Avila from UV visits UTARTU (30 July - 29 August 2023)
Andrea Torres from UNLP visits ASU (26 July - 18 September 2023)
Lydia Cidale from UNLP visits TO (23 June - 17 August 2023)
Olga Maryeva from ASU participated at the International conference "The Wolf-Rayet phenomenon in the Universe", 19-23 June 2023, Morelia, Mexico
Kateřina Pivoňková participated at the "Conference of Young Astronomers", 16-18 June 2023, Bezovec, Slovakia
International Summer School Stellar Winds and Outflows will be held in the period 3-15 September 2023
Rodolfo Vallverdú from UNLP visits ASU (9 May - 8 July 2023)
Anna Aret from UTARTU visits UV (22 April - 23 May 2023)
Vitalii Checha from UTARTU visits UV (22 April - 23 May 2023)
Aynura Hasanova from ShAO presented a lecture during the International Day of Human Space Flight (12 April 2023)
Olga Maryeva from ASU visits UNLP (1 April - 2 June 2023)
Julieta Sánchez Arias from ASU visits UNLP (1 April - 2 June 2023)
Aynura Hasanova from ShAO teaches about massive stars (28.-29. March 2023)
Michalis Kourniotis from ASU visits UNLP (26 March - 25 May 2023)
Anna Aret from UTARTU visits UMAYOR (22 March - 21 April 2023)
Vitalii Checha from UTARTU visits UMAYOR (22 March - 21 April 2023)
Five POEMS members from ASU participated in the "86th Annual Conference of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting" in Dresden, 20-24 March 2023
Yanina Cochetti from UNLP visits TO (2 March - 4 May 2023)
Michaela Kraus presented a seminar talk at the Astronomical Institute of the Charles University in Prague on 2023 March 1.
Aynur Abdulkarimova participated at "February Readings-2023: The Creative Potential of Youth in Solving Aerospace Problems", 1-3 February 2023
Paula Marchiano from UNLP visits ASU (10 January 2023 - 12 March 2023)
On December 9, 2022, our colleague Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rustamov Janmammad from ShAO obtained the Doctor of Science degree in astronomy.
Ignacio Araya from UMAYOR visits ASU (4 December 2022 - 3 February 2023)
Julieta Sánchez Arias from ASU visits UNLP (10 November 2022 - 11 January 2023)
On November 8, 2022, Michaela Kraus presented a seminar talk about the POEMS project at Observatorio Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (online)
Matías Ruíz Díaz from UNLP visits UGOE (31 October 2022 - 27 January 2023)
Aldana Alberici from UNLP visits UGOE (30 October 2022 - 26 January 2023)
POEMS team members from ShAO and ASU participated at the International Conference Alive Universe - from Planets to Galaxies, online at ShAO, 12-14 October 2022
Lydia Cidale and Matías Ruíz Díaz from UNLP visit the Ambassador of Argentina in Prague during their secondment at ASU to consolidate the Argentinian-Czech Cooperation
POEMS team members from ASU, UNLP, and UV implemented a workshop in Turnov, September 29-October 4, 2022 for sharing knowledge and to discuss strategies for our joint collaboration projects.
Péter Németh from ASU visits UV (10 October - 16 December 2022)
Lydia Cidale from UNLP visits ASU (27 September - 25 November 2022)
Aynura Hasanova from ShAO visits UTARTU (23 September - 30 November 2022)
Natalia Machuca from UV visits ASU (12 September - 12 November 2022)
Shabnam Aghayeca from ShAO visits UTARTU (4 September - 30 October 2022)
Janmammad Rustamov from ShAO visits UTARTU (1 September - 28 November 2022)
Matías Ruíz Díaz from UNLP visits ASU (1 September - 31 October 2022)
Catalina Arcos from UV visits ASU (23 August - 21 October 2022)
POEMS team members from ShAO participate in the online conference XXII Gamow International Conference: Astronomy and beyond: Cosmology and Gravitation, Astroparticle Physics, Radioastronomy and Astrobiology, 22-26 August 2022,
Dieter Nickeler from ASU gave a lecture at UNLP on August 18, 2022
Lydia Cidale from UNLP was invited speaker during "Women in Science" activity of CONICET on August 9, 2022
POEMS team members participate at the XXXI General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, in the Republic of Korea, 2-11 August 2022
POEMS team members participate at the international workshop "Asteroseismology in the Era of Surveys from Space and the Ground: Stars, Planets, and the Milky Way" in Belgium, 11-15 July 2022
Lorena Mercanti from UNLP visits ASU (11 July - 8 October 2022)
Kateřina Pivoňková from Masaryk University Brno, Czech Republic, defended her Master thesis on 1 July 2022 based on results obtaind from exploring POEMS data
POEMS team members participate at "IV Jornada de Astrofísica Estelar (IV Conference on Stellar Astrophysics)" in Tucumán, Argentina, 22-24 June 2022.
POEMS team members participate at workshop "NOT - a telescope for the future", 7-10 June 2022 in La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain
Tõnis Eenmäe from TO visits UV (6 June - 23 August 2022)
Kuljeet Singh Saddal from ASU visits UV (1 June - 31 August 2022)
Sabina Mammadova from ShAO visits ASU (1 June - 31 July 2022)
POEMS team members participate at the international conference "IAU 361: Massive Stars from Near and Far" in Ireland, 8-13 May 2022
Gunay Hajiyeva from ShAO visits UTARTU (6-30 May 2022)
Michaela Kraus from ASU was awarded the LELOIR prize 2021
Aynur Abdulkarimova from ShAO visits ASU (1 May - 1 July 2022)
On 1 May 2022 Universidad Mayor joined POEMS