From 25 to 27 September, the international XShootU workshop took place in Prague, Vila Lanna, with 45 participants from all over the world. XShootU is
Category: hotstars

Members of the Stellar Department actively involved in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie RISE project POEMS (Physics of Extreme Massive Stars, coordinated by Michaela Kraus), together with

Some stars are truly strange, and it is even rarer when two unusual stars form a gravitationally bound pair. Among these is the variable star

One of the by-product of satellite exoplanet surveys was the discovery of very powerful flares at Solar-like stars. And actually even at stars much hotter

The star V838 Monocerotis is one of the most well-known stars even among the public, although they may not even be aware of this designation.