Seminars & Workshops

Department seminar

Department seminar is given by the members of the department or our scientific visitors. The speakers present results of their own science and research. The seminar is organized irregularly but usually once per month. The organizer is Marek Skarka.

Joint Journal Club

Joint Journal Club is organized together with the Physics of Galaxies research working group of ASU, to discuss science overlapping with both research fields. The Joint Journal Club is organized once per month. The organizer is Julieta Sánchez Arias.

Cooperating institutions seminars

The members of the department are regularly invited to give lectures at ASU seminars and different University seminars listed below.


Workshop on observational techniques

The Faculty of Science at the University of Potsdam in Germany and ASU entered into the agreement in June 2021 with the objective of conducting joint research and teaching in the field of astrophysics. The parties agree to conduct collaborative yearly two-week research workshops at Ondřejov Observatory, Czech Republic.

The workshops will be accessible for students and academic staff of the MSc Astrophysics, Faculty of Science (University of Potsdam) as well as staff and students from Charles University Prague, Masaryk University, Brno, and other universities, researching at Ondřejov Observatory at the respective time determined for the workshop.

The coordinator of this collaboration at ASU are Jiří Kubát and Brankica Kubátová.

Echelle spectroscopy course in Ondřejov

Joint course for MSc students from the Masaryk and Charles universities was held at the stellar department of the Astronomical Institute in Ondrejov in the week of August 30-September 3, 2021. The course was dedicated to echelle spectroscopy and radial velocity determinations.

The coordinators of the course are Marek Skarka and Petr Kabáth.