The Astronomical Institute of the CAS also participated in the Science Fair 2024 at the Prague Exhibition Centre in Letňany. The presentation “On the rand
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During our tours of the Ondřejov Observatory we always tell you that once every few years the main mirror of the largest Czech telescope is

On the 17th and 18th of May 2023 the public event “Days of Open Doors” took place at the ASU Observatory in Ondřejov. Scientists, students

The 18th International Conference IBWS (INTEGRAL/BART Workshop) starts today in Cheb. It will take place from 13 to 17 May 2024 at the Cheb Gymnasium.

Did you know that Annie Cannon (1863-1941) was the creator of the current stellar classification, OBAFGKM, based on the stellar spectra? Or that Jocelyn Bell