Major participant

Astronomical Institute
of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Team members

Dr. Petr Kabáth - AsU Ondřejov
Dr. Marek Skarka - AsU Ondřejov

Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg

Team members

Prof. Artie Hatzes - Tautenburg
Dr. Eike Guenther - Tautenburg

Universidad Catolica de Chile

Team members

Prof. Leo Vanzi - UC Chile


Minor participant

Masaryk University
Faculty of Sciences

Team members

Dr. Jan Janík - MU Brno

Universidad Adolfo Ibanez

Team members

Rafael Brahm (assistant professor UAI FIC)
Marcelo Tala (postdoc UAI FIC)
Andrés Gajardo (PhD student in data science UAI FIC)

Institute of Plasma Physics
of the Czech Academy of Sciences

Team members

Dr. Pavel Pintr


University Of Graz

Team members

Dr. Martin Leitzinger
Dr. Petra Odert
Dr. Robert Greimel

The project is supported by:The Czech Academy of Science Ministry of Sports Youth and Education of the Czech Republic (grant number LTT 20015)