Stars remain bright points even when observed with the largest telescopes. But some processes create strange structures of gas and dust around these stars. One
Author: Jiří Srba

A team led by Jilian Rastinejad of Northwestern University in the US studied the unusual gamma-ray burst GRB 211211A with many different ground-based and space-based

In 2010, Marie and Raine Karjalainen (Stellar Department, AI AS ČR) began searching for companions of giant stars in catalogue of objects observed by the

The head of the Stellar department of the Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences in Ondřejov, Brankica Kubátová, visited the Sofie Basic School in

Exoplanets discovered by TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite) space mission were characterized at Astronomical Observatory of ASU CAS in Ondřejov. In the first quarter of