Research infrastructures for Nuclear Astrophysics
The ChETEC-INFRA (Chemical Elements as Tracers of the Evolution of the Cosmos – Infrastructures for Nuclear Astrophysics) Trans-National Access Programme (TNA) provides access to telescopes for astronomical observations, nuclear laboratories to measure nuclear properties and rates, and supercomputers to compute complex stellar models aimed at Nuclear astrophysics research.
Call for ChETEC-INFRA proposals
Proposals can be submitted through the GATE server continuously. The independent user selection panel meets every three months. The next collection date is February 17, 2024; followed by May 17, 2024; August 17, 2024 and November 17, 2024.
ChETEC-INFRA provides transnational access to the 13 infrastructures networked in the project. See here for details on the TNA programme.
Users outside the ChETEC-INFRA community are especially welcome!
How to Apply for observing time
Details on eligibility and the application process can be found here.
ChETEC-INFRA is a project funded by the EU within Horizon 2020. The project is coordinated by Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) in Germany. The PI of the project is PD Dr. Daniel Bemmerer. ChETEC-INFRA involves 32 institutions from 18 European nations and is networked with nuclear astrophysics communities in the United States, China and Japan. Transnational access (TA) to infrastractures in the scope of ChETEC-INFRA includes three distinct types of facilities to serve a unique goal – the study of the creation of the chemical elements.

The coordinator of the project on Czech side is the head of the Stellar Department, Dr. Brankica Kubátová. The TNA manager of the Perek 2m Telescope is Dr. Olga Maryeva (former TNA was Dr. Marek Skarka) and deputy TNA manager is Dr. Tiina Liimets. The largest Czech telescope located at the observatory in Ondřejov will contribute with observations of various types of objects. This contribution will help to achieve one of the main aims of the project, to understand how the elements of the periodic table were created that will also allow us to better understand the evolution of the Universe.

TA, as one of the pillars of ChETEC-INFRA, is provided by 13 facilities within the network. Facilities with TA include Astronuclear Laboratories, Astronuclear High-Performance Computing, and Astronuclear Telescopes. The infrastructures networked range from the Nordic Optical Telescope on the Canary Islands to medium-sized telescopes in the Czech Republic (the Perek 2m Telescope), Lithuania, and Bulgaria. Nuclear laboratories allow to study element genesis by charged particle, neutron, or photon induced reactions, studying rare reactions with high beam intensities and high sensitivity, including an underground laboratory and accelerator mass spectrometry. A computing cluster with enough power to address nucleosynthesis in a massive star completes the list of infrastructures.
Kick-off Meeting on 4th May 2021
- Presentation: The Perek 2m Telescope and its instrumentation (pdf)
ChETEC 2022 Calendar
Women Scientists Who Made Nuclear Astrophysics
A 2022 calendar featuring 12 female Physicists who made key contributions to the field of Nuclear & Astro-physics. It is translated in many languages so you can find your version to print.
Our PhD student Barbora Doležalová translated the calendar into Czech language and edited it in the predefined template.
The purpose of the calendar is to remember and honor the women who have influenced the development of Nuclear Astrophysics; to encourage young scholars to choose Nuclear Astrophysics as their career path and to present to them good role models for the process; and to educate the scientific community and the general public about the significant role women have played and continue to play in the development of Nuclear Astrophysics.
ChINOS summer school
More at

- Press Release of the Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (only in Czech).
- Facebook of the Czech Academy of Science (only in Czech, image).
- Facebook of the Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences (only in Czech).
- Newspaper Tojesenzace (only in Czech).