Workshop on observational techniques
6-17 September 2021 at Ondřejov observatory

Looking into astronomy textbooks, the evolution of stars seems to be well understood. However, this is a misconception, because some phases of stellar evolution are in fact hardly understood at all. The problem becomes even more severe, as soon as stars evolve in binary systems, which is by no means an exception but rather the rule. Mass transfer, either stable or unstable, can alter stellar evolution and even form objects, which cannot be understood in any other way. In particular the region of the hot subluminous stars remains as uncharted territory despite the fact that no less than 97% of all stars are evolving through this region.
Scope of the Workshop
In this research workshop we want to study this transition phase between red giants and hot subluminous stars in more detail, especially focusing on the role of binary interactions in the process. Using the telescopes at Ondrejov, we will observe samples of red giants and hot subluminous stars and systematically search for binary systems.
The students will be trained by members of the Stellar Astrophysics Group in Potsdam led by Dr. Veronika Schaffenroth and Prof. Stephan Geier and members of the Stellar Physics Department of AS CZ in Ondrejov. The workshop will consist of lectures and practical exercises, and aims at teaching the students how to prepare and conduct an observing run, how to select targets using datamining techniques, and how to process and analyse the observational data. The students will also have opportunity to observe with the Perek 2-m and the Mayer 65-cm telescopes. Furthermore, the students will learn about the astrophysical background of the project.
Besides gaining unique expertise in observational astrophysics, they will also have the opportunity to significantly contribute to ongoing science projects and to become true members of our team.
Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC)
- Prof. Stephan Geier
- Dr. Veronika Schaffenroth
Local Organizing Committee (LOC)
- Dr. Brankica Kubátová (chair)
- Dr. Jiří Kubát
- Dr. Olga Maryeva
Monday (September 6, 2021)
- 10:30 – 11:30
- The Perek 2m telescope tour (Miroslav Šlechta)
- 11:30 – 12:00
- Welcome by ASU director prof. Vladimir Karas and the LOC
- 12:00-14:00
- Lunch break
- 14:00 – 19:00
- Organization, Introduction to photometry and spectroscopy and Short description of projects (Veronika Schaffenroth & Stephan Geier) Presentation
- Planning an observing run (Max Pritzkuleit) Presentation
- 19:00 – …
- Guided tour talk: the Mayer 65-cm telescope in Ondřejov (Jan Kára)
- Spectroscopy observation with the Perek 2m telescope and photometric observation with the Mayer 65cm telescope (if the weather forecast allows)
Tuesday (September 7, 2021)
- 14:00 – 19:00
- Data mining with Topcat (Harry Dawson) Presentation
- Hands-on session: preparing a target list (Harry Dawson)
- 19:00 – …
- Spectroscopy observation with the Perek 2m telescope and photometric observation with the Mayer 65cm telescope (if the weather forecast allows)
Wednesday (September 8, 2021)
- 14:00 – 19:00
- Data reduction of the echelle spectra using IRAF (Mauricio Cabezas) Presentation
- Hands-on session: reducing spectra (Mauricio Cabezas)
- 19:00 – …
- Spectroscopy observation with the Perek 2m telescope and photometric observation with the Mayer 65cm telescope (if the weather forecast allows)
Thursday (September 9, 2021)
- 14:00 – 19:00
- Data reduction of photometry (Veronika Schaffenroth) Presentation
- Hands-on session: reducing photometric images (Veronika Schaffenroth)
- 19:00 – …
- Spectroscopy observation with the Perek 2m telescope and photometric observation with the Mayer 65cm telescope (if the weather forecast allows)
Friday (September 10, 2021)
- 14:00 – 19:00
- Hands-on session: reducing the echelle spectra with IRAF (Mauricio Cabezas)
- 19:00 – …
- Spectroscopy observation with the Perek 2m telescope and photometric observation with the Mayer 65cm telescope (if the weather forecast allows)
Saturday and Sunday (September 11-12, 2021)
- 19:00 – …
- Spectroscopy observation with the Perek 2m telescope and photometric observation with the Mayer 65cm telescope (if the weather forecast allows)
Monday (September 13, 2021)
- 16:00 – 19:00
- Evolved stars + Spectral classification – online (Stephan Geier) Presentation
- Photometric variability of binaries + Light curve analysis (Veronika Schaffenroth) Presentation
- Decision of each group to work on which project. Students will start work on their reports in which they should describe the data acquisition, reduction, and analysis based on what they were taught. Report should also have a short introduction outlining the main astrophysical concepts involved and a results/conclusions section
- 19:00 – …
- Spectroscopy observation with the Perek 2m telescope and photometric observation with the Mayer 65cm telescope (if the weather forecast allows)
Tuesday (September 14, 2021)
- 14:00 – 15:00
- Reduction of spectral data from public archives (Olga Maryeva) Presentation
- 15:00 – 19:00
- Work on the reports
- 19:00 – …
- Spectroscopy observation with the Perek 2m telescope and photometric observation with the Mayer 65cm telescope (if the weather forecast allows)
Wednesday (September 15, 2021)
- 12:45-14:00
- Observatory tour (Jiří Srba)
- 14:00-19:00
- Work on the reports
- 19:00 – …
- Spectroscopy observation with the Perek 2m telescope and photometric observation with the Mayer 65cm telescope (if the weather forecast allows)
Thursday (September 16, 2021)
- 16:00-17:00
- Stellar Spectroscopy with Virtual Observatory (Petr Škoda) Presentation
- 17:00-19:00
- Work on the reports
- 19:00 – …
- Spectroscopy observation with the Perek 2m telescope and photometric observation with the Mayer 65cm telescope (if the weather forecast allows)
Friday (September 17, 2021)
- 10:00-14:00
- Work on the reports
Breaks will be introduced as needed after agreement with all participants.

University of Potsdam, Germany

University of Potsdam, Germany

Astronomical Institute AS CR

Astronomical Institute AS CR

University of Potsdam, Germany

Astronomical Institute AS CR

University of Potsdam, Germany
- Harry Dawson (PhD student, University of Potsdam, Germany)
- Max Pritzkuleit (PhD student, University of Potsdam, Germany)
- Rick Culpan (PhD student, University of Potsdam, Germany)
- Francisco Molina (PhD student, University of Potsdam, Germany)
- Azlizan Soemitro (PhD student, University of Potsdam, Germany)
Observer Support at the Telescopes
- Miroslav Šlechta (Astronomical Institute AS CR)
- Jiří Srba (Astronomical Institute AS CR)
- Jan Kára (PhD student, Charles University in Prague)
- Olga Maryeva (Astronomical Institute AS CR)
Name and surname | Institution |
1. Ayesha Arshad Arain | University of Potsdam |
2. Saksham Arora | University of Potsdam |
3. Rahda Anil Gharapurkar | University of Potsdam |
4. Siddarth Khalate | University of Potsdam |
5. Chinmay Mahajan | University of Potsdam |
6. Henrik Rose | University of Potsdam |
7. Amrit Sedain | University of Potsdam |
8. Tahereh Ramezani | Masaryk University Brno |
9. Xia Caiyun | Masaryk University Brno |
10. Prapti Mondal | Masaryk University Brno |
11. Kateřina Pivoňková | Masaryk University Brno |
Venue & Travel information
All participants of the workshop will be accommodated at the Ondřejov observatory.
The Institute is located in village Ondřejov30 km south-east of Prague city limits near the highway D1. It can be reached by car, by bus or you can take train and walk the rest. Ondřejov and the surrounding countryside is also a popular target for bicycle trips.
Fly to Prague Airport and arrange for someone to pick you up and drive you to the Institute. This is far the best option. A cab would cost you about 80 EUR. If you prefer public transport on your own, be prepared for another two hours of traveling. Take bus 119 outside the airport terminal, go to Nádraží Veleslavín and change for metro line A there. Continue by metro to Háje changing to line C at Muzeum and then use bus route 383 (timetable).
Traveling by car, take exit 21 on D1 highway Praha–Brno (direction Benešov). Right after the highway exit take a turn, enter village Mirošovice and head for Mnichovice. Continue about 4 kilometres and turn right in Mnichovice towards Ondřejov, where at the beginning of the village (by a sawmill) you will see a sign pointing left to the Institute.
Ondřejov is served by two ROPID (Prague local transport authority) bus routes. Route 383 (timetable) goes from Prague and starts at Háje station (metro line C terminus). The ride takes approx. 60 minutes. Alternatively, you can take train to Strančice and change to bus route 490 there (25 min; timetable).
Trains from Prague main railway station stop at Strančice from where you can take bus 490, or get off at Mirošovice or Senohraby and have a pleasant walk (5 km; follow tourist marking).
2021 Workshop Photo Gallery
For further information please contact the Local Organizing Committee at the following email address: