Stellar department in media

Martin Jelínek from the Stellar Department was a guest on the programme “Hlubinami vesmíru” (TV Noe). The interview is dedicated to astronomical research in the field of gamma rays: Video 1 (Gamma-ray astronomy, 4 May 2024); Video 2 (Cherenkov radiation and gamma-ray detection, 1 June 2023). [in Czech]
Members of the “Klub malých hvězdářů” with their entourage, visitors and the team of the Žebrák Observatory on a special excursion to the Astronomical Institute in Ondřejov. The guests were guided by Pavel Suchan and further explanations were provided by Jan Štrobl and Miroslav Šlechta from the Stellar Department. (Video produced by Hvězdárny Žebrák, in Czech)

In TV series Hlubinami vesmíru (TV Noe) appeared as a guest Marek Skarka from Stellar department. Interview is focused on pulsating stars and exoplanets research: Video 1 (Pulsating stars; May 6, 2023; in Czech); Video 2 (Exoplanets; June 3, 2023; in Czech)


Petr Kabáth, head of the Exoplanets working group at the Stellar department of the Astronomical Institute, appeared in Hyde Park Civilizace series (October 29; ČT24; in Czech).

55th anniversary of the Perek 2-m Telescope opening:
- ‘Dobré ráno’ – Czech TV, 23. August 2022 (in Czech)
- Český rozhlas 1 – Radiožurnál: interview with Miroslav Šlechta (in Czech, at 5:37:58)

The 4-m international Liquid Mirror Telescope introduced by Petr Škoda from Stellar department of AI CAS in Český rozhlas Plus – (in 7:25:50, Czech only).

The new Gaia sky-map … with a comments of Petr Škoda from Stellar department in Dobré ráno České televize (in Czech)
How to use artificial intelligence when observing universe? What is common for information technologies and astronomy? … Interview with RNDr. Petr Škoda, CSc. from the Stellar department for Podcast Jedničky a Nuly (FIT ČVUT v Praze) – in Czech.
In the glow of the stars 111: Discoveries made by Perek 2-m telescope. Recent interesting work with Perek 2-m telescope in Ondřejov presented by Miroslav Šlechta.
Podcast Czech Space News: Petr Kabáth from Stellar department talks about exoplanet research with Perek telescope and ESO telescope at La Silla Observatory in Chile, which is in reconstruction as a part of the PLATOSpec project.
Older media appearance of Stellar department members can be found in our Archive.