Stellar department in media

Hlubinami vesmíru (The Depths of the Universe), the interview with Petr Kabáth on the TV Noe (in Czech): Video 1; Video 2
In the glow of the stars 055: Perek 2-m telescope. Do you want to see how the largest telescope in the Czech Republic moves? Perek 2m telescope in Ondřejov presented by Miroslav Šlechta. (in Czech)
Czech scientist and telescopes at the observatory Paranal in Chile. The guest appearances and interview with Petr Kabáth on the national Czech televisions ČT24 (in Czech).
Design of a telescope for monitoring gamma-ray bursts: Interview (in Czech) with Martin Jelínek, a scientist in the Stellar department, at the Radiožurnál radio station.
In the glow of the stars 054 – BART robotic telescope. An interview (in Czech) with Jan Štrobl, scientist at the Stellar department, produced by Hvězdárna Žebrak.
In the glow of the stars – Perek Telescope (V záři hvězd 039 – Perkův dalekohled): A visit at the Perek 2-m Telescope with Pavel Suchan (in Czech). Video produced by Hvězdárna Žebrák.

100 years of Luboš Perek. The interview (in Czech) with Marek Skarka on the national Czech television channel ČT24.

Hlubinami vesmíru (The Depths of the Universe) with Pavel Koubský on the TV Noe (in Czech): Video 1; Video 2

Hlubinami vesmíru (The Depths of the Universe), interview with Brankica Kubátová and Jiří Kubát on the TV Noe (in Czech): Video 1; Video 2
Press conference on the modernization of the Perek 2-m telescope

On 26th of June 2020 the department took part in organisation of a press conference on the topic of fundamental modernization of the Perk 2m telescope. The press conference was organized in the dome of the telescope at the observatory in Ondřejov with the participation of the President of the Academy of Sciences prof. Eva Zažímalová and representatives of the Center for Research and Development of Special Optics and Optoelectronic Systems TOPTEC from Turnov. At the press conference several department members gave a talks (M. Šlechta: Why we decided to modernize and what we expect from it; P. Kabáth: Exoplanet research with the help of Perk’s telescope; M. Kraus: Hot star research with using Perk’s telescope, M. Jelínek; Photometry – optical counterparts of gamma flashes). The modernization of the telescope was carried out in cooperation with the team of the Stellar Department of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i. led by Dr. Miroslav Šlechta, Center for Research and Development of Special Optics and Optoelectronic Systems TOPTEC from Turnov, which is part of the Institute of Plasma Physics AS CR, v.v.i. More photos.
Inauguration of the Perek 2-m telescope

On 23th August 2017 it was fifty years since the inauguration of the Perek 2-m telescope. On the occasion of 50 years of Perek 2-m telescope that was heavily followed by both printed, online and broadcasted media, a press conference was organized on 14 th August 2017 and followed by a seminar at the Academy of Sciences in Prague on 5th September 2017. Several department members gave a popular talks (M. Šlechta: Perek 2-m telescope – basic facts, P. Kabáth: Future observing program, search for planets at foreign stars, P. Škoda: Archives of 2m Telescope – from Reticon to Artificial Intelligence, J. Kubát: Modelling stellar atmospheres with the Perek telescope, M. Kraus: Stellar pulsations and their link to mass ejection phases in evolved massive stars, P. Kabáth: Exoplanets in Ondřejov). More photos.