Miroslav Šlechta

Miroslav is a head of the Operation and Development of the Perek 2-m Telescope group since October 2008. He is graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague. The title of his master thesis is „Primordial Perturbations in the Friedmann Universe“. In 2001 he defended his PhD thesis „Star – Disc Interactions in Active Galactic Nuclei“. Since 1998 he is employed at the ASU. He is a former head of the Stellar Physics Department.
- email: miroslav.slechta @ asu.cas.cz
- phone: +420 323 620 255
- personal website: http://stel.asu.cas.cz/~slechta/
- orcid
Eva Žďárská

Eva is a secretary of the Stellar Physics Department. She is also observation assistant and participates in the service mode observation.
- email: eva.zdarska @ asu.cas.cz
- phone: +420 323 620 226
Radek Novotný

Radek is co-responsible for the operation of instruments and equipment related to the Perek 2‑m telescope from a mechanical point of view. He participates in the development and construction of devices which support the operation of the telescopes.He also performs work in the field of machine and mechanics and performs maintenance of machines and devices related to the telescope in terms of mechanic. He is observation assistant and participates in the service mode observation.
- email: novotny @ asu.cas.cz
- phone: +420 323 620 269
Luděk Řezba

Luděk is responsible for the electrical operation of instruments and equipment related to the Perek 2‑m telescope. He participates in the development and construction of devices which supports the operation of the telescope, performs work in the field of electrical and electrical engineering, performs maintenance of machines and devices related to the telescope from the electrical point of view. He also participates in the observation with the telescope. He is observation assistant and participates in the service mode observation.
- email: ludek.rezba @ asu.cas.cz
- phone: +420 323 620 313
Jan Sloup

Jan is responsible for the mechanical operation of instruments and equipment related to the Perek 2‑m telescope. He participates in the development and construction of devices which support the operation of the telescopes. He also performs work in the field of machine and mechanics and performs maintenance of machines and devices related to the telescope in terms of mechanic. He is also observation assistant.
- email: sloup @ asu.cas.cz
- phone: +420 323 620 259
Jiří Srba

Jiří is a member of the technical team of the Perkova 2-m Telescope group. He participates in observation (including ‘service’ mode), data processing and maintenance of 2-m telescope databases. He collaborates on the maintenance and updating of the Stellar Physics Department’s website and other applications. He also participates in the management of local computer networks and IT equipments.
- email: srba @ asu.cas.cz
- phone: 0420 323 620 313
External collaborators
Jan Fuchs
Jan is a former employee of the Stellar Department today working for the Interplanetary Matter Department of Astronomical Institute in Ondřejov. However, he still cooperates on the maintenance and development of technical and software solutions enabling work with the Perk Telescope, but also with the telescopes at the La Silla Observatories in Chile (DK154 and ESO152), which are used by AI astronomers.
- email: fuky @ asu.cas.cz
- phone: +420 323 620 241
Roman Veselý
Roman takes care of computer systems, networks, data storage and databases at the Stellar Department, and also of its cooperation with other Astronomical Institute departments.
- email: roman @ liten.cz